Collies became popular in the 1860's when Queen Victoria first saw them herding in Scotland, and brought some back to Windsor Castle. The Collie has been used as a herding dog in northern England and Scotland. The first Collie came to the United States at the turn of the 20th Century.
The Collie's temperament makes it one of the best family dogs. They are highly responsive dogs that want to please their people, making them excellent household companions. Collies are terrific with children and adults and are friendly with other animals. The collie coat can be either rough (long) or smooth (short) and one of four accepted colors - sable· and white; tri-color; blue merle; or white. They are a medium to large dog, ranging on average from 50 - 75 pounds.
The amount of care the Collie requires varies with the amount of coat the Collie has, and the time of year. Rough coat collies require weekly brushing when in full coat and more frequent brushing when the coat is shedding. The Rough's full coat insulates from the elements, both wet and cold, as well as the summer heat. The Collie typically sheds about once a year in the spring which requires additional brushing to remove the dense undercoat.
The smooth Collie requires the same care, but takes less time to brush. Like any dog, it is important to remember to trim your dog's nails and keep the ears and teeth clean.

Collie Traits
• Loyal
• Beautiful
• Intelligent
• Adaptable
• Child Friendly
• Good with other animals
• Excellent family dog
• Affectionate
• Playful
• Sweet
Collies enjoy a number of activities, including but not limited to: agility, obedience, therapy work, herding, rally, hiking, tracking and nosework.